RYAF Services

RYAF Services

Communication and knowledge management

Communication and knowledge management


RYAF prioritizes effective communication and knowledge management to empower youth in agribusiness. Through communication channels like the RYAF website, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram, RYAF disseminates vital information to its members and stakeholders. These platforms serve as hubs for sharing success stories, best practices, and industry insights, fostering a supportive community for young agripreneurs.

By embracing the adage "icya mbere ni amakuru" (information is key), RYAF ensures that youth have access to the latest agricultural information (grant application...) market opportunities, and capacity-building. Through Communication and knowledge sharing, RYAF seeks to inform, empower, and inspire Rwanda's future generation to venture into agri-food systems.  via communication and knowledge management.

This activity is also implemented through linking youth with the media so that it could be their way to market their agro-products and therefore cut-off the cost for marketing which is an issue for them to cater due limited financial capacity.

