Climate Smart Agriculture and Agro-ecology
The engagement of the youth in agribusiness across the value chain nodes (agriculture primary production, livestock production, agro-processing, input and agro-dealership, agro-services including ICT for agriculture), there is a need to ensure sustainability of the food system. To ensure the achievement of the ambition, there must be an informed promotion and adoption of the climate Smart Agriculture and/or Agro-ecology good practices to ensure that constant arable land we are using today, give us bread today, tomorrow, in the 100 years, and thousands of years ahead and such climate friendly, bio-diversity conservation initiatives in agriculture/agribusiness must start from the young emerging agri-preneurs.
RYAF is now hosting Climate Smart Agriculture Youth Network (CSAYN) as a way to advocate, mobilize, encourage and empower youth to adopt climate smart agriculture as an integrated approach to managing landscapes—cropland, livestock, forests and fisheries—that addresses the interlinked challenges of food security and climate changes and achieve on 3 main outcomes: (i) Increased productivity (ii) Enhanced resilience and (iii) Reduced emissions.
The CSAYN will continue to be a platform for policy dialogue, for training and capacity building, knowledge sharing and communication, networking and promoting the youth initiatives coming as solution to climate resilience. The intervention is in line with strategic priority area number 2 in the PSTA4 (2018-2024_ Productivity and Resilience).