Background of partnership/Intervention
Sustainable Agricultural Intensification and Food security Project (SAIP) is the Global Agriculture and Food Security Program (GAFSP) funded project through the World Bank Group– International Development Association (IDA). The Project is implemented under Single Project Implementation Unit (SPIU) of the Rwanda Agricultural and Animal Resources Development Board (RAB).
The project objective is to increase agricultural productivity, market access, and food security of the targeted beneficiaries in the project intervention areas.
SAIP is implemented in eight districts; Rulindo, Rwamagana, Karongi, Rutsiro, Kayonza, Nyanza, Gatsibo,Nyabihu, Rulindo and Ngoma however, the project implementation will expand to other areas during implementation as needed by the Government of Rwanda and in agreement with the World Bank Group.
The Project is expected to strengthen the development of sustainable market linkages and value addition, through increased performance and commercialization of selected value chains.
Rwanda Youth in Agribusiness Forum (RYAF) has been in the implementation of Sustainable Agricultural Intensification and Food Security Project (SAIP) since September, 2019 in line of contributing to the project objectives as well as overall goal.
The implementation memorandum of understanding (MoU) with RAB through SPIU of the World Bank and KOICA-funded projects to encourage youth to provide technical expertise and support to increase agricultural productivity, especially in horticultural crops, market access and food security, nutrition improvement and Cooperatives and or Water users’ associations in the Areas of the Project intervention of Gatsibo 8, Kayonza 4, Ngoma 22, Rwamagana 34&35, Nyanza 23, Karongi 12&13, Nyabirasi, Nyabihu and Muyanza.
Main project/initiative’s Activities
- Institutional Strengthening, Agriculture Productivity Enhancement, and Nutrition Improvement
- Irrigation and Water Use Efficiency
- Market Linkages, Value Addition and Investment Support
- Fruit trees production, Delivering them to beneficiaries and Management activities after planting
Success stories/ Achievements
- 779,061 fruit tree seedlings (Including 708,064 Persea Amercana and 73,436 Manguifera Indica distributed to 29,236 beneficiaries in different SAIP Sites
- Support beneficiaries in areas under SAIP intervention to improve their nutrition, increase of production, giving different trainings, Cooperative management and leading and in water fees collection