Dushimiyimana Jean Damour is agripreneur from Muhanga District; Nyamabuye Sector is running a plant nursery business which he started in 2019.
The idea of running a tree nursery business came after graduating from secondary school where he studied agriculture; He takes the decision of venturing into a plant nursery business (Avocado, Mango, Orange, Macadamia, and Flowers) and prepares a home garden and Clay pots for plants.
Damour says that when he last won a tender from Reserve Force to prepare a plant nursery, it was standing 4.5Millions Rwf, according to Damour earns at least to 400,000Rwf every month
“My project started downstairs but as I have seen customers come to buy fruit tree plants and clay pots my business is expanding” Damour
What running a plant nursery business has brought to him?
Damour DUSHIMIYIMANA says that a plant nursery business is helping him to pay the rent of the house where he lives at Muhanga and other things which are very important in daily life.
Advice to youth
He urges the youth who do not respect agriculture to change their mindset and encourages young people to engage in agricultural activities because there are different opportunities.
RYAF Communication