RYES trainees thanks the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) through Kilimo Trust in Partnership with Rwanda Youth In Agribusiness Forum (RYAF) and Rwanda Polytechnic (RP) to provide short- course trainings which give them enough knowledge and technical skills for gainful wage employment or creation of own agribusinesses (products or services) related to Dairy, Poultry, Piggery, Potatoes, Maize, Rice, and Vegetables (Tomatoes, Onions, Cabbage, Carrots, Chilli, Green pepper, and French beans).
Grace Nyiramboneyehose is one of the R-YES beneficiaries in IPRC Gishari says that this short course (Rural Youth Employment Support (R-YES) is beneficial for her because it will help to develop her career in poultry farming, before getting this chance; she was already raising 50 chickens but had no skill of the poultry farming which led to the loss of 20 chickens.
“The skills that I got from R-YES Project including disease control, proper feeding and poultry farm management, among others and this will help me to be a professional poultry farmer”
Emmanuel Uwiringiyimana from Ruhango District another R-YES trainee said that the reason why he has chosen to attend the short course in irrigation systems; is he needs to have skills which will be used irrigation system that still has few people with enough knowledge, and adds that Agriculture is the basis of everything.
“The knowledge I will get here will help me to know when to irrigate how much water the plant needs, skills that will help me to grow crops in all seasons without depending on rain and venture into agriculture as a business and I thank all partners of the R-YES Project, for this opportunity they gave me to learn at IPRC Gishari”R-YES project is national in scope, but 16 districts and Kigali have been selected as primary focus, including: North (Gicumbi, Rulindo, and Musanze), West (Nyabihu, Rubavu, and Rusizi), South (Nyanza, Ruhango, Gisagara, Kamonyi and Huye), East (Nyagatare, Kayonza, Rwamagana, Ngoma and Bugesera), and Kigali.Project goal is to contribute to sustainable employment (self and decent wage) and income generating opportunities for 1,200 youth in agriculture related activities in Rwanda through an integrated agribusiness hub.
RYAF Communication Team