Members of RYAF attended Rwanda AgriShow 2023
Members of the Rwanda Youth in Agribusiness Forum took part in the 16th National Agriculture Show 2023, which was held at the Mulindi expo show ground in the Gasabo District of the City of Kigali from July 20 to 29, 2023, with the theme "Transforming Agriculture into a Resilient and Competitive Sector through Technology, Innovation, and Investment."
The National Agricultural Show 2023, organized by the Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Recourses, Rwanda Youth in Agribusiness Forum was presented in this Agrishow, where 58 youth companies (32 males and 26 females from various farmer groups or RYAF clusters) with the support of FAO and USAID Kungahara Wagura Amasoko as their partners exhibited, 50 were supported by FAO, 6 were supported by USAID KWA, and 2 on their support.
In his closing remarks, the Honorable Minister of Agriculture and Animal Resources, Ildephonse MUSAFIRI, urged the exhibitors to take advantage of available opportunities to boost the Agribusiness sector.
At the Rwanda Agrishow 2023 closing ceremony, three of RYAF member exhibitors, Avocare Ltd., BeeGulf Ltd., and Agrireserearch Unguka Ltd., were given awards in recognition of their innovations.
This Rwanda Agrishow has key areas of intervention including, improving agricultural marketing systems and entrepreneurial skills for smallholders. Participants sharing experiences and skills with each other in the areas of better production methods, processing, and marketing.
It was attended by nearly 40,000 people, according to the Ministry of Agriculture and Animal resources.
RYAF communication