Matchmaking Event Connects Young Rwandan Farmers with Regional and International Market Actors

On August 22, 2024, Rwanda Youth in Agribusiness Forum (RYAF), in collaboration with USAID Kungahara Wagura Amasoko, hosted a significant matchmaking event in Kigali. The event was designed to connect young farmers with regional and international market actors, enhancing their market access and deepening their understanding of market dynamics.

This initiative not only marked the celebration of International Youth Day but also provided direct business linkages, paving the way for potential collaborations between young agripreneurs and key market players.

In celebration of International Youth Day 2024, observed on August 12, RYAF highlighted the contributions and potential of young people under the theme "Youth Action for Sustainable Development." This year’s celebration aimed to inspire youth to take active roles in their communities and promote sustainable practices for a better future.

To emphasize the role of youth in achieving global sustainability goals and Rwanda’s Vision 2050 for Agriculture focused on enhancing productivity, increasing income, improving livelihoods, creating jobs, boosting exports, and transforming the economy into a knowledge-based, middle-income economy RYAF organized a significant event.

In his closing remarks, Dr. Patrick KARANGWA , Director General of Agriculture and Modernization at Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Resources , he thanked RYAF in partnership with Feed the Future Rwanda Kungahara Wagura Amasoko, for hosting matchmaking event between young farmers and regional and international market actors in celebration of International Youth Day, he added, "As Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Resources, we see youth as the hope for transforming agriculture from subsistence to modern farming"

Rwanda Youth in Agribusiness Forum (RYAF) is dedicated to empowering young agripreneurs by facilitating market access and fostering connections within the agricultural value chain. This effort is in collaboration with Feed the Future Rwanda Kungahara Wagura Amasoko, a five-year USAID-funded program aims to unleash the potential of Rwanda’s high-value agricultural export commodities such as coffee, tea, horticulture, and livestock products to drive sales, create jobs, and increase incomes, thereby empowering young people involved in export and local market supply.

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 RYAF Communication



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