Jean de Dieu KWIZERA is founder and CEO of Bee Gulf Ltd his company deals with Bee colony multiplication, selling colonized hives and training youth about beekeeping and ecosystems restoration in Gasabo District.
“I'm normally a nature hobbyist with entrepreneurial thinking, I always dreamt about a business venture that would connect me to nature, people and health. Beekeeping in agribusiness as an umbrella for all my green hobbies then I decided to create demo Apiary for serial Educational tourism teaching youth and women how to modernize beekeeping, creating a safe environment for the bees in order to maximize honey and crops production”.
He raised funds from approximately 7 Million from friends but in first year a half of it was burnt in risks due to limited skills. Then he decided to have an intense practical beekeeping training from industry experts.
This loss experience gave him a strong baseline in skills advancement, and he lost nothing at all because with these advanced beekeeping skills, he is able to serve natural bees to many Apiarists in Rwanda and also help him to export bees as commercial pollinators.
Currently, he has 79 modern bee hives just in a year in two locations, Rwamagana District, and Gasabo District.
In one year he has consulted for 279 beekeepers, so far he has employing 5 full time employees, and he is also exporting these skills abroad.
He is able to maximize hive production, where each modern hive I take care of harvests an average of 45-50 kg of honey per year.