Josiane Usabamahoro Josiane lives in Rulindo District, Bushoki Sector, and Kabuga Cell, only completed secondary school, where studied Mathematic, Physics and Chemistry, 2016 started pigs and cattle farming where it helped her to buy land in Gasabo District city of Kigali.
She got a part-time job in National Agricultural Export Development Board (NAEB) to count coffee trees in his cell, the money they paid her was the basis which helped her to start the project.
“The money they paid to her was the one she took out the investment to start a pig project, she started by buying small pigs then after growing up, and she sold those pigs and then figured out how to farm modern productive pigs” Josiane said.
In terms of cattle farming, started after passing in imbuto foundation (12Plus) where she worked as mentor, they paid them thirty thousand RWF, but the money reached to her was twenty-nine RWF, decided to make saving after multiplying, she bought a cow.
She currently owns 14 pigs and 1 cow because the other one sold it, was what helped her to buy the land in Gasabo district, city of Kigali.
She's facing the challenge of building a modern pig pen and where the place of buying pigs food is far away and the transportation is expensive.
The reason why Josiane decided to venture into livestock sector, especially pig and cattle farming is that Breeders make money and live well, while they look for consuming milk and meat they get it.
Advice of Josiane for her fellow young people is to start doing a simple job, and saving the money they have taken out, it will help them to start the own business.